Our Goal

The goal of Supported Employment is to promote personal growth, self-esteem, and increased income to individuals with developmental disabilities. With increased income, they can improve their quality of life by learning how to budget and save money, attend community outings, personal vacations or summer camps, and thus expand their overall independence even to the point of pursuing their own apartment or other living arrangement in the community.

Our Efforts

In 1998, The Arc Macon began providing supported employment services in response to the many requests of the people we support to have real jobs in the community. A variety of services are offered to persons with developmental disabilities including job coaching, job analysis, and job development. Presently The Arc Macon has 12 individuals working in the community and we are constantly contacting Middle Georgia employers in our attempts to increase the number of people assisted by our Supported Employment Program. We have created a network of alliances with such companies as Burger King, Kroger, Wendy’s, and YKK. These businesses continue to lead the way in the process of integration of employable individuals with disabilities into the community. Progress has been made but we still have a long way to go in our mission of educating the public that people with disabilities should be treated with respect and dignity, and should have every opportunity granted to you or me.

Reasons to Consider Hiring the Developmentally Disabled

    • Employees with disabilities can ease concerns about labor supply
    • People with disabilities have equal or higher job performance ratings, higher retention rates, and lower absenteeism
    • Employees with disabilities can relate better to customers with disabilities, who represent $1 trillion in annual aggregate consumer spending
    • Diverse work groups can create better solutions to business challenges
    • People with disabilities are better educated than ever, and are proven to have met and/or exceeded challenges
    • A person with a disability motivates work groups and increases productivity
    • Companies that hire and accommodate people with disabilities in their workplaces can receive tax benefits
    • Employing people with disabilities is good for the individual, the business, and society. This is a win-win-win strategy
    • People with disabilities are motivated by the desire to give something back, and opportunities for personal growth, job flexibility, and social inclusion
    • It’s ability, not disability, that counts.

If you are interested in our Supported Employment Program please contact our office at (478) 477-7764 or use the contact link here.

