Starting early!

We wanted to take the time to discuss with our readers a subject that we get more questions on than most any other subject matter.  How do services work?  How do I get someone enrolled in services?  The Arc of Macon is a private, non-profit company that is a contracted provider of developmental disability services in Georgia.  As a contracted provider, individuals interested in services must first be determined eligible for services by the state.  Once an individual is eligible for services, the state makes a determination as to whether services can begin immediately or if the individual must be put on a waiting list for services.  The availability of state and federal funds that pay for the services can have an impact on the immediate availability of services. 

We tell people that if you are contemplating services for a loved one to start early!  There are thousands of people on the waiting list for these services in Georgia, and it is important for you to begin the process before you need it  rather than waiting until it becomes urgent.  If you start early, you will be better informed, better educated, and able to make a more informed decision about placement opportunities and available services.   If you decide that you do want to try to get somone enrolled in services, the first step is to fill out a preliminary application.  You can access the application by clicking  here.

Once services have been approved and funding secured then the step of selecting a provider begins.   The Arc of Macon is one of many wonderful providers throughout the state.  There are many to choose from.  While many of the services offered are the same, each provider offers their own vision and philosophy about how services are delivered.  We are person-centered in our approach to services and believe that all aspects of service delivery should be tailored around the specific individual.  Individuals and their families have to find the right fit and place they feel works best.  A few final words.  We would encourage you to not get frustrated or give up on the process.  If funding is not available, it could take time for an individual to get funding approval.  Don’t give up!   Individuals must advocate for the services that are needed to help them live their life and pursue their dreams.  If you are well-informed and maintain communication regarding your application and funding status, you will be ahead of the game.  We hope this helps you!  Please feel free to follow up with us on any more questions that you may have.
